4M – Mixed and Multimedia Mixtapes

My pieces at the still point and the surface of the night were selected for inclusion in the first release of 4M – Mixed and MultiMedia Mixtapes – the University of Glasgow’s new net label which promotes staff and student work through curating delivering a series of mixed and multimedia releases in the form of expanded digital mixtapes.

The theme of 4M’s first release is Porosity.

Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the void (i.e. “empty”) spaces in a material and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0 and 1. Porosity measures the space between. Sand isn’t porous from a distance, but on a microscopic level there is accessible space between the grains.

The scope of porosity goes beyond visual, tactile materials like sponges and skin: the question is one of asking what exists in the nothing that is between things.

Sounds pretty liminal to me; I can see why my works were included! Thanks to Louise, Iain, Nick, and Calum – very cool to be part of this series.