the surface of the night [2022]

for open instrumentation & duration


Written for KLANGRAUM 2020. Revised at Composers Meet Composers 2022.
Featured in The Center for Deep Listening’s ‘A Year of Deep Listening‘ in celebration of Pauline Oliveros.
Selected for inclusion in ‘Porosity’, the first edition of the 4M netlabel.

Gregor Forbes & Kevin Leomo | Glasgow Experimental Music Series | Glasgow, Scotland | December 17, 2022
Composers Meet Composers | Haan, Germany | August 24, 2022
Stephanie Lamprea & James Banner (Machair Duo) | Sound Festival | Aberdeen, Scotland | October 24, 2021
Glasgow CoMA Open Score Club | Zoom | August 17, 2021
KLANGRAUM, NKR Neue Kunstraum | Düsseldorf, Germany | July-August 2020

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